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Listing-id : 266727 

Crime Scene Cleanup Company

May 18, 2021 12:50:29 PM

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Yonkers,New York,US,

Yonkers, New York,

United States 10470

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Description :
Cleaning up a crime scene is not like cleaning up a mess at home. Crime scenes vary in their intensity, but most include biological fluids such as blood that can quickly become a hazard if left untreated. Worse still, many of these fluids don't wash off surfaces, carpets, and furniture with standard cleaning supplies. Crime scene cleaners come equipped with the cleaning tools and supplies needed to get the job done. They are also trained to properly dispose of items that cannot be restored.

If you experience a crime in your home, it may not be obvious who to call once the police and investigators are done. In this case, it is best to contact us immediately. Our crime scene cleaners are highly experienced in dealing with the challenges and stresses of a crime scene. For more information, visit the rest of our website or contact us.
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