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Listing-id : 231401 
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148 Reserve Rd,

Upper Coomera, Queensland,

Australia 4209

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+61 411-178-573

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Are you throwing a party? Are you looking for something the kids will love and enjoy? Luckily, you’ve come to the right place! Wicked Jumping Castles offers a full range of inflatable castles that will surely make a fun-filled event.

With the classic pieces of party entertainment available at Wicked Jumping Castles, your kids and other guests seeking for thrill and fun will totally burn off their excess energy! Whether you are looking for a Monster Truck or a Princess Jumping Castle for hire, your choice of jumping castle is sure to be a standout in your backyard.

No matter if you are throwing a party or hosting a promotional or special event, our wide selection of jumping castles will keep the kids active and the guests entertained.

Jumping castles will provide kids with hours of fun and excitement. Kids will have a great time playing with what they love in the comfort of your home. When your child is having a birthday party, the jumping castles will take his or her celebration to the next level.

If you are planning to organise a birthday party for your child or any form of kiddie party, the event would be more fun if it has a jumping castle. Jumping castles will benefit your child. Plus, your children will have something to remember when they grow old.

Nowadays, kids get easily bored on some toys. Often, they ask their parents for new toys. However, when children enjoy a certain game or toy, they will invest more time in playing with it. By the looks of it, a jumping castle is a solution to your problem.

In a jumping castle, your kids can roll, jump, crawl, and do more of the things that make them active. With the slides and obstacle courses that jumping castles feature, your children will enjoy playing and will not stop until they get tired.

If you are considering jumping castles for hire in Gold Coast, you will not only give your kids a valuable source of entertainment. You will also save a significant amount of money. At Wicked Jumping Castles, we offer various packages to suit your needs, preferences, and budget.

Can you think of any other way to make the most of your kid’s birthday party than jumping castles? You sure don’t! Jumping castles are the ones that can remove the frowns from your kids’ faces and replace them with smiles and laughter.

Make your party memorable and fun with a jumping castle from Gold Coast’s most trusted supplier of certified rentals. You can most certainly use the inflatables in or outdoors, depending on the level of your play area. Our team will also help you set up and take down the item.

For personalised, professional service, choose Wicked Jumping Castles! Entertainment has never been easier with us! Jump for joy with jumping castles today!
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