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Listing-id : 314081 

business data security

Dec 21, 2022 03:58:08 AM

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LumenData – San Jose 75 East Santa Clara Street, Floor 6 ,

San Jose, California,

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Top data security threats are :

1. Password reuse for emails and applications: Weak password strength is bait for hackers who can exploit the account. Business data is stored across many different accounts and services only protected with login credentials. Strong unique passwords must be created; one may also make use of password manager applications for the same.
2. Improper data access control: It is essential to follow the principle of least privilege to ensure that employee access to data is based on their role and responsibilities only. Allowing everyone in the company to access all data may spill out critical and sensitive information like customer information, financials, acquisition plans, etc.
3. Skipping data backup: Many businesses, large and small, often overlook the need for periodic data backup. A frequent backup strategy is essential, particularly to protect financial data, intellectual property, source code, and email. A prudent plan will be to start by backing up mission-critical data first.
4. Failure to educate employees on common attack threats: Now while human error remains, the bigger aspect is phishing and other popular scams hackers use to entice users. Businesses need to invest in employee cybersecurity education teaching them how to perform without jeopardizing sensitive data.
5. Absence of a dedicated security support team: Data
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