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Listing-id : 257639 
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Jersey City, NJ, United States,

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If you want to Connect HP DeskJet 3512 Printer to wifi, first and foremost, make sure that you are using the latest version of the HP DeskJet 3512 driver; in case you don’t have the latest version, you can also download it from the official website of HP. Now, check whether the HP DeskJet 3512 driver is supported by the operating system version. Next, switch on the printer and the computer and ensure that both the printer and the computer share the same network. After that, download the HP DeskJet 3512 printer software from the CD that comes along with the printer. If not, download it from the HP official site. Then, follow the on-screen instructions properly to complete the installation process and ensure that you have selected the correct connection type. Ensure that you connected the printer to the computer using the wireless network. Now, use the USB cable only when you are asked to do so. Then, retrieve the network settings and make a USB connection between HP DeskJet 3700 printer and computer. Now, connect your printer to the network over 2.4 GHz and connect your printer to the device to complete the HP DeskJet 3512 Setup.
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