Listing Details :
Listing-id : 343479 
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14818 Park Almeda Dr,

Houston, Texas,

United States 77047

Website Url

888 466 7180

Description :
Dive into the solution with our air scrubber rental services. Are you committed to providing a healthy and safe environment? Our cutting-edge air scrubbers efficiently eliminate contaminants, allergens, and odors, ensuring the air you breathe is pure and fresh. Whether for construction sites, restoration projects, or events, our rentals offer a portable and robust solution. Elevate your air quality standards with Preferred Climate Solutions. Breathe easy, breathe clean - choose our air scrubber rental for a refreshing and contaminant-free atmosphere. For more information, visit or call us at (888)-466 7180.

Name: Preferred Climate Solutions
Address: 14818 Park Almeda Dr, Houston, Texas, USA
Phone no. : (888)-466 7180
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