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$ 6,000
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How Martech or Marketing Technology Helps Marketers?
In 2012, Gartner predicted that by 2017 CMOs would spend more on marketing technology than CIOs. While this claim was initially very estranging, the gap in spending between the parties has narrowed significantly over the years. This is because technology is playing an enhancing role in marketing, particularly in assisting with efforts like attribution and allocating marketing spend.
The reason behind a lot of businesses are investing in marketing technology or Martech is simply down to competition.
As the businesses get the results of adopting MarTech solutions, other businesses mainly SME's fear being left behind and see investment as an opportunity.
What is Martech?
Marketing Technology, popularly known as Martech is the term used in reference to the technologies, tools, and software that are utilized to assist marketing teams in achieving marketing goals and objectives. The technology is majorly utilized in the sphere of digital marketing but is also used in optimizing marketing efforts across various marketing channels.
MarTech or marketing technology helps marketers in easily streamlining and scaling marketing activities. When a marketing team uses a group of marketing technologies, then this group of marketing technologies is known as the marketing technology stack or martech stack.
You might be thinking, why are we talking about marketing technology or martech like it is something new. So, we will get back to some basics, as the strong base leads to the construction of a world-class monument. Let’s begin with the basics,
United Marketing and operations
Marketing Technology or Martech accelerates the collaboration between marketing and operation departments. When this happens, the promises made by the sales and marketing team and executing team work together with the same data. With clear objectives and real-time data to help make more accurate decisions, teams can determine what efforts are working and where opportunities lie.
Efficient use of Data
The prevalence of big data in businesses & using CDP - customer data platform, big as well as small, has brought with it a number of opportunities as well as challenges. As far as opportunities are concerned, more data means more information about customers, more information about the customer means better personalization and customer targeting.
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