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Listing-id : 242627 
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21 Overlook Ridge Terrace, #523 Revere,

Dover, Delaware,

United States 19901

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Description :
The concept of fantasy sports app development is seen rising tremendously. The big celebrities and sports stars are actively promoting it, attracting their separate fan following to converge into the fantasy sports platform. However, there are a lot of things that need to be considered if you see yourself as one of the emerging fantasy sports service providers. Read this article to know about the important features of an app similar to Dream11. Moreover, the article gives an insight into the cost of app development and the factors that influence it. As you already know that developing a Dream 11 clone is a complex process that demands due attention while making a selection of features. However, what makes the client compromise on the quality of the fantasy sports software development is the limited budget. This section aims to give you a rough estimate of the price involved in the fantasy sports website development. Do keep in mind that getting an accurate price estimate is almost next to impossible until and unless you have a detailed blueprint of all the requirements of the fantasy sports app.
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Phone no: 6032759923
Address: 21 Overlook Ridge Terrace, #523 Revere
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