Listing Details :
Listing-id : 330841 
$ 12,250
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1168 Commerce Drive, Richardson,

Dallas, Texas,

United States 75081

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Description :
Five things this 5 Ton Gas System has to offer
1. High SEER Rating
To start off, the Trane system boasts a very high SEER2 rating of 17. This means that the air conditioner is very efficient at what it does and goes well in accordance with Trane’s reputation for efficient products. In addition to this, the 17-SEER2 rating means that the air conditioner also provides better cooling than its competitors with lower SEER ratings.

2. Two-Stage Operation
An air conditioner, much like a car, uses a lot of energy stopping and starting up again. However, this problem is overcome by employing a two-stage air conditioner, like the Trane 5 Ton 17 SEER2, along with its variable fan speeds. This should allow you to use the air conditioner for extended periods of time, that is, keep it running longer and more often but with a lower setting. As a result of this, the efficiency and effectiveness of its cooling are boosted by a substantial eighty percent.

3. No Hot or Cold Spots
As a result of longer running times, hot and cold spots in the home are completely eliminated, and the environment is a well-mixed even temperature throughout.

4. Less Moisture
Moreover, the longer running time also helps remove more moisture from the air, thereby decreasing the humidity greatly.

5. Saving on Costs
Because this pack is a full-matched SEER2 17-rated system, your wallet should be safe from extraneous bills from the running cost of the air conditioner. A fully matched system works at its maximum efficiency and enables optimal performance.
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