Listing Details :
Listing-id : 276272 
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New York,

Chester, New York,

United States

Description :
Netgear routers are efficient, reliable, and fast. The setup for these routers is also straightforward and does not necessarily require any expertise in the matter. Nevertheless, users often face common problems like Netgear Router setup not working while installing the router. To resolve the given issue, one requires resetting the Netgear router. To reset the router, please set up a password for your Netgear account. Please note that the default username is admin, and the password is password. Using these details, please log in and open the wireless option. Next, click on the network name in the SSID field, followed by the password. Apply the changes and click on done. Next, please re-do the router setup by connecting the modem and the internet port. Restart all devices, including your computer, and launch a web browser. Insert 192.18.01 in the URL and open the Setup Wizard. Choose Yes and then Next. Save the settings and click on Next to finish off.
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