Listing Details :
Listing-id : 236426 

Earn $500 per Lead for PT Work

Sep 2, 2020 10:52:23 AM

$ 500
Contact Details
My Profile

308 N 14th St, Ashland, NE 68003,

Bath, New York,

United States 90247


Description :
Need a limited number of people to cultivate real estate leads to determine potential sellers and buyers.
Most leads will require initial phone conversation followed by monthly digital connects.

• When any of your leads buy, sell, partner on a transaction you get $500 when they close.
• No cap on earning potential.
• The more leads you manage the greater your income potential.
• Use your list to connect a seller and a buyer and earn $1000 from a single transaction.
• Take advantage of repeat business. Cultivate a couple active investors who make multiple purchases you will earn $500 from each closing.

We provide you 200 free leads a month to get started. If interested or have questions send inquiry to
Note : If you make a call this number [ 2025550102 ] Please mention that you have seen this ad in Adsfeast a classifieds website.....
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